Twenty-one-year-old senior Erika Farias-Diaz is majoring in public relations with a minor in marketing, and is ecstatic about her new position as vice president of the Public Relations Student Society of America.
“I would compare myself to a sponge, because I soak up all the goodness,” Farias-Diaz said.
The Public Relations Student Society of America is an organization for students who are interested in public relations and communications. It’s created to improve the public relations field by educating further generations of professionals through rigorous training.
Farias-Diaz is a well-liked member of the PRSSA and has earned the title of vice president.
“It feels like a privilege to have been given the VP position. I get the opportunity to facilitate PRSSA as a whole and get to work with the most outstanding people on a weekly basis,” Farias-Diaz said.
As vice president of the society she has a lot on her plate. Farias-Diaz said the position includes several different jobs. She has to make sure the club has clients and members, for starters. This is the most important task as vice president because without clients, there is no society.
She makes sure everyone has work to do through weekly check ins. “I also help plan events,” she said, “and make sure PRSSA is on good standing while also meeting its goals.”
The society’s members believe Erika Farias-Diaz is the best choice for this position.
“She is always willing to help everyone,” Haley Spiewak, public relations director of PRSSA said.

“I think Erika is the best choice for vice president because she is a hard worker who complements my leadership style. She’s great at reminding me to delegate work and is always there for people to bounce ideas off of, and collaborate with. I think she was the best choice because her integrity paired with her hard working spirit helps her to be able to help our accounts, but also be able to help me and keep me in check as president, which I feel is the perfect combination as a vice president,” KiKi Hartmann, president of PRSSA said.
Many of the other members described her as a great communicator, collaborative, outgoing, and educated for this role.
Farias-Diaz explained that she is best for this role because she knows all of the members and is great at making everyone feel comfortable. “I like to make sure everyone is heard and has a place in the organization,” Farias-Diaz said.
She has many other activities and hobbies outside the position of vice president. She works in the admission office answering calls and reaching out to incoming students. One of her hobbies is cooking. “I cook anything and everything,” Farias-Diaz said.
Her favorite color is purple and loves Disney movies. If she could pick a favorite movie it would be The Little Mermaid because of the wonderful music.
“My dog Simba is my best friend, the name comes from the Lion King,” Erika Farias-Diaz said.
After graduation she wants to work for a public relations agency, in communication and event planning. Farias-Diaz believes that being in PRSSA and its VP that she is ready to hop right into work.